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Unit28  過去完成式&未來完成式              153

                        3.  We had bought a car then.

                        4.  We had eaten dinner.

                        5.  She had told me the truth.


                          Tokyo (n.) 東京                               then = at that time (adv.) 當時

                     4   過去完成式的疑問句。

                     將 had 移到句首,並在句尾加上問號「?」,即成為疑問句。

                     句型  Had + 主詞 + 過去分詞
                       例   • He had come back yesterday.           Had he come back yesterday?
                             他昨天已經回來了。                              他昨天已經回來了嗎?

                           • He had retired last year.             Had he retired last year?
                             他去年退休了。                                他去年已經退休了嗎?

                        練  習      4 將下列句子改為疑問句

                        1.  Helen had left when we got there.

                        2.  He had been a doctor for 15 years last year.

                        3.  Mary had bought a house.

                        4.  My father had gone home.

                        5.  She had eaten lunch at that time.

                   二  未來完成式

                     句型  主詞 + will have + 過去分詞 + (for) 時間 / 次數

                       例   • I will have lived here for 10 years in two days.
                             二天後,我就住在這裡 10 年了。

                                                 居住 10 年
                              過去                               現在            未來
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