Page 164 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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158     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     (    ) 35. I knew that I     made a mistake.

                              (A) has              (B) have             (C) had              (D) has been

                     (    ) 36. Jessie     found her lost bike yesterday.
                              (A) has              (B) had              (C) have             (D) has been
                     (    ) 37. I have     for her 30 minutes.

                              (A) wait             (B) waiter           (C) waited           (D) waiting
                     (    ) 38. She hasn't     her homework.

                              (A) do               (B) doing            (C) done             (D) does
                     (    ) 39. Monica and Paul     been to France for many times.

                              (A) has              (B) have             (C) haves            (D) does
                     (    ) 40. I have been     here waiting for you.

                              (A) stood            (B) stand            (C) standing         (D) stands
                     (    ) 41. We had     our lunch then.

                              (A) has              (B) had              (C) have             (D) having
                     (    ) 42. I have     my bike.

                              (A) sell             (B) sold             (C) selled           (D) selling
                     (    ) 43. Chris     graduated from school next year.

                              (A) will             (B) will be          (C) will have        (D) has
                     (    ) 44. Leo and I     been good friends.

                              (A) has              (B) have             (C) does             (D) is
                     (    ) 45. My grandfather     told me this story 5 days ago.

                              (A) has              (B) had              (C) have             (D) will have

                  二  翻 譯
                        1.  We have studied math for many years.

                        2.  I have played the bass for two years.

                        3.  Have you had lunch?

                        4.  I have been to Tainan for many times.

                        5.  Has she ever been to Kenting?


                          handsome [ `hAn,sEm ] (adj.) 帥              France (n.) 法國
                          retire [ rI`t1r ] (vi.) 退休                  next [ nWkst ] year (n.) 明年
                          two years later (adv.) 兩年後                  story [ `stCrI ] (n.) 故事
                          lost bike (n.) 遺失的單車                        Tainan (n.) 台南
                          minute [ `mInIt ] (n.) 分鐘
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