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Unit30  假設語氣       159

                     Unit 30         假設語氣                                                 Unit 6, 12, 18, 24

                                                                                     本單元練習題解答:P. 解20~ 解 21
                   一  「有可能」發生的假設

                     1   條件用現在式,結果用未來式。

                         例  • 如果他需要幫忙,我會試著幫助他。
                                    If he needs help, I will try to help him.
                                         ↓          ↓
                                       現在式       未來式

                             • 如果你用功讀書的話,你就會通過考試。                           If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
                             • 如果你不停止吃東西,你會愈來愈胖。                       If you don't stop eating, you will get fatter and fatter.

                             • 如果明天下雨的話,我們就不去露營了。                          If it rains tomorrow, we will not go camping.

                        練  習      1 有可能發生的假設

                        1.  If you           hard, you          succeed.

                        2.  If he          tomorrow, I           treat him to dinner.

                        3.  If you           do it right now, your father        very angry.

                        4.  If the typhoon          tomorrow, we            not go to school.
                        5.  If it         tomorrow, we            stay at home.


                     2   條件用現在式,結果用現在式(命令句/祈使句)。

                         例   • If you have money, give it to me. 如果你有錢,把錢給我。
                             • If he says he loves you, don't believe it. 如果他說他愛你,別相信。

                             • If you meet your sister, tell her to call me. 如果你遇到你姊,叫她打給我。
                             • If they don't trust you, you can call me. 如果他們不信任你,你可以打給我。

                        練  習      2

                        1.  If your head aches ,          the medicine at once. 如果你頭痛的話,馬上吃藥。
                        2.  If it starts raining,        at home. 如果開始下雨,待在家裡。
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