Page 170 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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164     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                   六  要不是……

                     1   與現在事實相反,用以下表示:

                          Without                               would
                          But for          + 名詞 ,      主詞  +     should   + 動詞原形 .
                          Were it not for                       could
                          If it were not for                    might

                         例  • Without you, I would fail. 沒有你,我就失敗了。
                             • But for you, I would succeed. 若不是你,我就成功了。

                             • Were it not for your help, we might fail. 若沒有你的幫忙,我們可能會失敗。
                             • If it were not for your coming, I could lose. 要不是你來,我可能會輸。

                        練  習      8

                        1.            your help, I would fail. 要不是你的幫忙,我就失敗了。
                        2.                      you, he might lose. 若不是你,他可能會輸。

                        3.            Mary's help, you would get lost. 要不是 Mary 的幫忙,你早就迷路了。

                     2   與過去事實相反,用以下表示:

                          Without                                  would
                          But for               + 名詞 ,      主詞 +    should  + have + p.p.
                          Had it not been for                      could
                          If it had not been for                   might

                         例  • Without you, I would have failed. 沒有你,我早就失敗了。
                             • But for you, I would have succeeded. 要不是你,我早就成功了。
                             • Had it not been for my sickness, I might have gone to America.


                             • If it had not been for my money, she might have left.

                        練  習      9

                        1.                                                             your help, I would
                                      . 要不是你的幫忙,我早就失敗了。
                        2.            your help, he would                    . 要不是你的幫忙,他早就輸了。

                        3.                      me, you would have died. 要不是我,你早就死了。
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