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Unit30  假設語氣       163

                        6.  要是你是個女生就好了!

                        7.  要是我是個有錢人就好了。

                        8.  要是我有足夠的錢就好了。

                        9.  要是我會飛就好了。
                        10. 要是你昨天有來就好了。

                   五  似乎、彷彿、好像……

                                    主詞 +were / V.ed(與現在事實相反)
                        用 as if +
                                    主詞 + had + p.p(與過去事實相反)

                         例   • The boy talks as if he were a movie star.


                             • Tom is playing basketball as if he were Michael Jordan.
                                Tom 現在打籃球的樣子,彷彿他是 Michael Jordan 一樣。

                             • Mary cried so sadly as if it had been the end of the world.
                                Mary 哭得很傷心,好像世界末日一般。

                             • He talks as if nothing happened.

                        ※ as if = as though。

                         例   He talks as though I owed a lot to him.

                        練  習      7

                        1.  這男孩說話的樣子,好像他是個大人一樣。
                            The boy talks                    he           an adult.

                        2.  Mary 表現得好像沒事發生一樣。
                            Mary acts                     nothing happened.

                        3.  Grace 笑得很開心,彷彿她贏了全世界。

                            Grace laughs happily                     she          the whole world.

                        4.  她哭得很傷心,彷彿世界末日到了一般。
                            She cried sadly                    it                   the end of the world.
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