Page 174 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 174

168     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     (     )  9. He will go to Europe,     he?

                              (A) will             (B) do               (C) does             (D) won't

                     (    ) 10. Karl likes to go fishing,     he?
                              (A) do               (B) don't            (C) doesn't          (D) is

                     (    ) 11. Please give the CD to me,     you?
                              (A) do               (B) will             (C) don't            (D) has

                     (    ) 12. You can ride a bike,     you?
                              (A) can              (B) can't            (C) do               (D) don't

                     (    ) 13. Yesterday was Sunday,     it?
                              (A) is               (B) was              (C) wasn't           (D) did

                     (    ) 14. He can't speak Japanese,     he?
                              (A) do               (B) can              (C) can't            (D) don't

                     (    ) 15. There is a pen on the desk,     there?
                              (A) is               (B) isn't            (C) do               (D) don't

                     (    ) 16. I don't know your name,     I?

                              (A) don't            (B) have             (C) do               (D) did

                     (    ) 17. We were at home last night,     we?
                              (A) were             (B) weren't          (C) is               (D) don't

                     (    ) 18. He has gone to Taiwan,     he?
                              (A) is               (B) do               (C) hasn't           (D) has

                     (    ) 19. Jessica doesn't like you,     she?
                              (A) do               (B) does             (C) did              (D) can

                     (    ) 20. You shouldn't lie,     you?
                              (A) do               (B) should           (C) can              (D) will

                     (    ) 21. We     good friends, are we?
                              (A) is               (B) am               (C) are              (D) aren't

                     (    ) 22. He     a doctor, isn't he?
                              (A) is               (B) am               (C) are              (D) don't

                     (    ) 23. He     come, did he?
                              (A) does             (B) do               (C) didn't           (D) can

                     (    ) 24. Jack had learned Taiwanese many years,     he?
                              (A) had              (B) hadn't           (C) didn't           (D) did

                     (    ) 25. We can't go,     we?
                              (A) do               (B) don't            (C) can              (D) can't
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