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Unit31  附加問句       169

                   二  附加問句的答法

                                                               Yes, I am.
                         例   • You are my friend, aren't you?
                                                               No, I am not.

                                                             Yes, I do.
                             • You have money, don't you?
                                                             No, I don't.

                                                         Yes, he will.
                             • He will come, won't he?
                                                         No, he won't.

                                                        Yes, we can.
                             • We can't do it, can we?
                                                        No, we can't.

                        練  習      3 依題示回答下列問題

                        1.  You know Jay, don't you? (Yes)

                        2.  You are not telling me the truth, are you? (Yes)

                        3.  There is a camera in this bag, isn't there? (No)

                        4.  You can't go there, can you? (Yes)

                        5.  You will help me, won't you? (No)

                        練  習      4 翻譯

                        1.  They aren't friends, are they?

                        2.  Monica is very beautiful, isn't she?

                        3.  She was cute before, wasn't she?

                        4.  You will come here, won't you?
                        5.  George didn't come yesterday, did he?

                        6.  我們各付各的,好嗎?
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