Page 168 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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162     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                        練  習      5 萬一      ……

                        1.  If what he said                    true, we will be punished seriously.
                        2.  If you           fail, I will still give you a hand.

                        3.  If she                    a he, what will you do?

                        4.  If Jack                    the exam, you will lose face.
                            萬一 Jack 考過了,你就丟臉了。

                   四  要是…… & 但願……

                     1   表示「要是……就好了」,用 if only / would that 的假設語氣。

                         例  • If only I were a rich man! 要是我是個有錢人就好了!
                             • If only you were my girlfriend! 要是妳是我女朋友就好了!

                             • If only you had finished your work yesterday! 要是你昨天有把工作完成就好!
                             • If only she had been here last night! 要是她昨晚在這裡就好了!

                             • Would that you were a girl! 要是你是個女生就好了!

                     2   表示「但願……、真希望……」,用 I wish 的假設語氣。

                         例  • I wish you were here.  但願你在這裡。
                             • I wish I had a lot of money. 但願我有很多錢。

                             • I wish I were in Kenting now. 但願我現在在墾丁。

                             • I wish I had not done that yesterday. 但願我昨天沒做過那種事。
                             • I wish the typhoon had not come. 真希望颱風沒有來。

                        練  習      6

                        1.  要是我現在在墾丁就好了!

                        2.  要是我昨天考試有過就好了!

                        3.  要是你之前有跟我說實話就好了!

                        4.  要是我以前用功一點就好了!

                        5.  真希望我有很多錢!
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