Page 154 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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148     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                        • stole      stolen 偷            • tell      told 告訴          • win      won 贏

                        • write      written 寫           • speak      spoken 說話       • cost      cost 花費

                        練  習      1 寫出下列動詞之過去分詞

                        1.  play                         8.  see                          15. sleep

                        2.  rain                         9.  come                         16. live
                        3.  are                          10. leave                        17. am
                        4.  finish                        11. watch                        18. tell

                        5.  sell                         12. is                           19. change
                        6.  study                        13. buy                          20. eat

                        7.  go                           14. wash                         21. speak

                   三  完成式句型

                     句型  主詞 + have / has + 過去分詞

                       例   • He has come back. 他已經回來了。

                           • I have lived here for 10 years. 我已在這裡住了十年了。

                        練  習      2 將下列句子改為完成式

                        1.  We watch TV.                                          for two hours.
                        2.  Monica sleeps in her room.                                        for two hours.

                        3.  She is a teacher.                                      for five years.
                        4.  We study Chinese.                                         for 12 years.

                        5.  They play tennis.                                        for thirty minutes.
                        6.  My parents go to Japan.

                        7.  Jacky washes his clothes.
                        8.  She finishes her homework.

                        9.  Betty sells her car.
                        10. Leo and Sam come back.

                   四  現在完成式的否定

                     句型  主詞 + have / has + not + 過去分詞

                       例   • I have not finished my work. 我還沒完成我的工作。

                           • She has not come. 她還沒來。

                               注 意    have not 可寫成 haven't,has not 可寫成 hasn't。
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