Page 152 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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146     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                        4.  You are the only girl             I hate.


                        5.  He has a brother              is a lawyer.

                                 他有個當律師的哥哥 ( 弟弟 )。
                        6.  He lies to us again,            is no surprise to us.



                          keyboard [ `ki ,bord ] (n.) 鍵盤

                  三  翻 譯
                        1.  The boy who is playing the guitar is Aga.

                        2.  The old man who plays the bass is my grandfather.

                        3.  Do you know the girl who is riding a bike?

                        4.  The girl who lost her money is my sister.

                        5.  The man whom you saw is not me.

                        6.  You are the last man that I will marry.

                        7.  The milk which you bought yesterday is not fresh.
                        8.  Kano was the first baseball team that won a prize in Koshien.

                        9.  Do you know the place where he lives?

                        10. We have to arrive at the airport before noon, which is the most important.

                        11. James did not win the game last night, which made me very sad.

                        12. 你是我唯一愛的男生。

                        13. 偷車的男人被抓了。

                        14. 你買的相機太便宜了。
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