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Unit26  關係代名詞        141

                        練  習      5 關係代名詞,所有格,翻譯

                        1.  the girl whose right hand is bleeding
                        2.  the car whose tires are flat

                        3.  the boy whose bike was stolen

                        4.  the student whose head is aching
                        5.  the child whose T-shirt is dirty

                        6.  the dog whose left eye is hurt
                        7.  the cat whose eyes are blue

                        8.  the fish whose tail is long
                        9.  the car whose engine is out of order

                        10. the room whose windows are broken

                        練  習      6 關係代名詞,that,翻譯

                        1.  the only girl that I love

                        2.  the first student that scored over 81
                        3.  every student that passes the exam

                        4.  the very girl that I met last night
                        5.  the woman and a dog that are jogging

                        6.  the last person that got on the bus

                        7.  the best player that I have ever seen
                        8.  the most expensive cell phone that I bought

                        9.  the second computer that he lost

                        10. the only student that can pass the exam

                        練  習      7 關係代名詞,where,地方

                        1.  The house           we live(我們住的房子。)
                        2.  The place          he will go(他要去的地方。)

                        3.  The room           she sleeps(她睡覺的房間。)
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