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Unit26  關係代名詞        139

                     7    複合關係代名詞。

                        1.  whoever = any one who = no matter who 不論誰(主格)
                            例  • Whoever did this must be punished. 不論是誰做了這件事都要被處罰。
                                • Sell it to whoever wants this. 不管誰要就賣給他。

                        2.  whomever = any one whom = no matter whom 不論誰(受格)

                            例  • Give the food to whomever you meet. 把食物給你遇到的人。
                                             (any one whom)

                                • Forget whomever you hate. 忘記你討厭的任何人。

                        3.  whatever = anything that = no matter what 不論什麼
                            例  • Whatever I do, I do it for you. 不論我做了什麼,都是為了你。
                                (whatever 是 do 的受詞)

                                • Whatever happens, don't be afraid. 不管發生什麼事都別怕。
                               (whatever 是主詞)

                        4.  whichever 隨便哪一個
                            例  • You can take whichever you like on the shelf.

                        練  習      1 關係代名詞,人當主詞,翻譯

                        1.  the players who cheat in the game

                        2.  the singer who will come tomorrow
                        3.  the man who helped Tom

                        4.  the drivers who were careless

                        5.  students who didn't pass the exam
                        6.  the girl who lost her watch

                        7.  people who have a fever

                        8.  the beautiful girl who lives next to my house
                        9.  the girl who broke your heart

                        10. students who want to go to college

                        練  習      2 關係代名詞,非人當主詞,翻譯

                        1.  the dog which is barking at me
                        2.  the dogs which are barking at me

                        3.  the fish which jumped out of the water
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