Page 146 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 146

140     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                        4.  the bird which is not flying

                        5.  the cat which stole my lunch

                        6.  the dog which bit you
                        7.  the car which can run very fast

                        8.  the house which has a big swimming pool

                        9.  the food which is poisonous
                        10. the air which is polluted

                        練  習      3 關係代名詞,人當受詞,翻譯

                        1.  the man whom you love

                        2.  the girl whom I kissed

                        3.  the boy whom I met in the park
                        4.  the teacher whom you hate very much

                        5.  the girls whom you like very much
                        6.  the doctor whom he wants to see

                        7.  the girls whom you hurt

                        8.  the person whom Jack laughed at
                        9.  the man whom you helped

                        10. the waiter whom the boss fired

                        練  習      4 關係代名詞,非人當受詞,翻譯

                        1.  the car which you bought

                        2.  the fish which you caught
                        3.  the cell phone which he is using

                        4.  the house which you live in
                        5.  the house in which she lives

                        6.  the cake which Mary ate

                        7.  the bike which John rode yesterday
                        8.  the water which we drink every day

                        9.  the food which they eat

                        10. the house which you want to live in
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