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P. 215

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                   Unit24 分詞構句&獨立分詞構句 (P.114)
                   練習 1
                   1. Having no money, he couldn't buy that gift.  2. Opening the door, she hurt her left hand.

                   3. Having a headache, I didn't go to school yesterday. 4. Sitting on the sofa, he heard his baby crying.
                   5. Knowing she was cheated, she cried loudly.   6. Taking a shower, she fell on the floor.
                   7. Leaving for Taipei, he lost his wallet.      8. Late for school this morning, he was punished.
                   9. Swimming in the river, I was bitten by a big fish.  10. Finding his lost bike, he felt very happy.
                   練習 2
                   1. Amanda entering my house, I saw her face full of tears.
                   2. I not passing the exam, my father was very sad.
                   3. John hit by the car, the driver didn't see him.
                   4. I swimming in the pool, something bit me.

                   5. Tom entering the room, Mary was sleeping.
                   6. You not giving my money back, I will tell your mother about it.
                   7. Lisa punished by her father, her mother was very angry.
                   8. Mary lack of money, her sister lent her some.
                   9. The thief starting to run, the police shot him.
                   10. I waking up this morning, the breakfast was ready.
                   11. James trying to stop Curry, Curry shot for three.

                   12. You giving my money back, I will believe you one more time.

                   Unit25 名詞子句與名詞片語 (P.119)
                   練習 1
                   1. that you were sick                           2. that you will be late
                   3. That makes me                                4. that he was sick
                   5. That is a lie                                6. that I love you
                   7. That I love you                              8. that you are right
                   9. that give my money                           10. that are

                   練習 2
                   1. if  she  likes  me  2. if come      3. you are         4. if he is lying  5. if
                   6. Whether          7. you are         8. you are         9. Whether         10. if/whether
                   練習 3
                   1. what             2. What            3. what            4. what            5. What
                   6. what             7. what            8. what            9. what your name is 10. What

                   練習 4
                   1. where I live                                 2. where
                   3. where                                        4. where you are
                   5. where                                        6. where she lives
                   7. where you live                               8. where you are going
                   9. where he went                                10. where he was
                   練習 5
                   1. which school     2. Which way       3. which color     4. you like best   5. which he likes
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