Page 220 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 220

解20     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                   練習 4
                   1. Had Helen left when we got there?            2. Had he been a doctor for 15 years last year?
                   3. Had Mary bought a house?                     4. Had my father gone home?

                   5. Had she eaten lunch at that time?
                   1.(B)     2.(D)     3.(D)    4.(D)     5.(C)    6.(B)     7.(B)    8.(D)     9.(C)    10.(B)
                   11.(C)    12.(B)    13.(B)   14.(B)    15.(D)
                   1. 去年為止,他已經贏三次 NBA 冠軍了。                         2. 昨晚我們到家時她已離開了。
                   3. Monica 上個月就已把她的房子賣了。                         4. 上週我父親就已去日本了。

                   5. 在去日本之前我們就學過日文了。                              6. 我從來沒有去過歐洲。
                   7. 他們已經去過英國很多次了。                                8. 布萊德和他老婆去年已經離婚了。
                   9. 他已經騙我們太多次了。

                   Unit29 完成式綜合練習 (P.156)
                   1.(A)     2.(B)     3.(A)    4.(B)     5.(D)    6.(B)     7.(B)    8.(D)     9.(C)    10.(B)
                   11.(D)    12.(B)    13.(B)   14.(B)    15.(B)   16.(C)    17.(B)   18.(D)    19.(B)   20.(B)
                   21.(C)    22.(B)    23.(C)   24.(C)    25.(C)   26.(D)    27.(C)   28.(B)    29.(A)   30.(B)

                   31.(C)    32.(B)    33.(A)   34.(B)    35.(C)   36.(B)    37.(C)   38.(C)    39.(B)   40.(C)
                   41.(B)    42.(B)    43.(C)   44.(B)    45.(B)
                   1. 我們已學了許多年數學。                                  2. 我彈貝斯兩年了。
                   3. (你)吃午餐了沒?                                    4. 我去過台南許多次。
                   5. 她去過墾丁嗎?

                   Unit30 假設語氣 (P.159)
                   練習 1
                   1. work will        2. comes will      3. don't will be   4. comes will      5. rains will
                   練習 2
                   1. take             2. stay
                   練習 3
                   1. were could       2. had would       3. were would      4. were would      5. were would be
                   練習 4
                   1. had had would have bought                    2. had studied would have passed

                   3. had passed would have been                   4. had given wouldn't have been
                   5. had told would not have been
                   練習 5
                   1. should be        2. should          3. should be       4. should pass
                   練習 6
                   1. If only I were in Kenting now!               2. If only I had passed the exam yesterday!
                   3. If only you had told me the truth before!    4. If only I had studied harder before!
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