Page 218 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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解18     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                   7.  藍眼睛的貓                                       8.  長尾巴的那條魚

                   9.  引擎故障的車                                      10.  窗戶被打破的房間
                   練習 6
                   1.  我唯一愛的女生                                     2.  第一個得分超過 81 分的學生
                   3.  每一個通過考試的學生                                  4.  我昨晚遇見的那個女生
                   5.  正在慢跑的女人和狗                                   6.  最後一個上公車的人
                   7.  我見過最好的球員                                    8.  我買過最貴的手機
                   9.  他遺失的第二部電腦                                   10.  唯一能通過考試的學生
                   練習 7
                   1. where            2. where           3. where
                   練習 8
                   1.who               2.who              3.which            4.whom             5.who

                   6.whose             7.who              8.who              9.whose            10.whose
                   練習 9
                   1. The boy who is playing tennis is my brother.
                   2.People who do exercise every day are healthy and happy.
                   3.The cat whose eyes are green is mine.
                   4.The man who (whom) you saw yesterday is my brother.
                   5.He has a girlfriend whose father is an engineer.

                   6.The girl who lost her money is my sister.
                   7.They have a dog which can play frisbee.
                   8.Do you know the boy who is looking at Grace?
                   9.He has a car which runs very fast.
                   10.She is the only student that passed the exam.
                   練習 10
                   1.He has a dog. The dog likes to bark.          2.The little girl is my sister. She is crying.
                   3.The man is not me. You saw the man yesterday.  4.The cat is called Kitty. Its hair is black.
                   5.This is the house. I live in the house.

                   1.(C)     2.(A)     3.(A)    4.(A)     5.(C)    6.(A)     7.(A)    8.(A)     9.(A)    10.(A)
                   11.(B)    12.(B)    13.(C)   14.(B)    15.(B)   16.(C)    17.(C)   18.(C)    19.(A)   20.(A)
                   1. who(whom)        2.who      4.that   5.who   6. which

                   1. 正在彈吉他的男孩是阿嘉。                                 2. 彈貝斯的老人是我阿公。
                   3. 你認識正在騎單車的女孩嗎?                                4. 丟錢的女孩是我姊(妹)。
                   5. 你看見的人不是我。                                    6. 你是我最不想嫁的男人。
                   7. 你昨天買的牛奶不新鮮。                                  8. 嘉農是第一支在甲子園贏得獎盃的棒球隊。
                   9. 你知道他住在哪裡嗎?                                   10. 我們必須在中午之前到機場,這件事是最重要的。
                   11. 詹姆士昨晚比賽沒有贏,讓我很難過。                           12. You are the only boy that I love.
                   13. The man who stole the car was arrested.     14. The camera which/that you bought is too cheap.
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