Page 54 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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48    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                        6.  My sister cooks dinner.                                            yesterday.

                        7.  Jack walks to school.                                            this morning.

                        8.  Mary listens to the radio.                                          yesterday afternoon.
                        9.  Paul and Monica talk to each other.                                           yesterday.

                        10. Karen cleans her house every day.                                           last Sunday.


                          summer [ `sVm2 ] (n.) 夏天                    Sunday [ `sVn,de ] (n.) 星期天

                   三  否定句的造法

                     句型     S    +    didn't     +       V        + 時間

                           主詞 + 助動詞否定 + 動詞原形 + 時間
                       例   • He didn't go to school yesterday.

                           • I didn't watch TV last night.

                           • We didn't vote for him.

                           • She didn't come.


                        練  習      3 將下列句子改為否定句

                        1.  Mother cooked dinner yesterday.

                        2.  I opened the window.

                        3.  It rained a lot last night.

                        4.  We played baseball.

                        5.  Jolin cleaned her house this morning.

                   四  疑問句的造法

                     中文在句尾加上「嗎」,英文在句首加上 Did。

                     句型  Did(助動詞)+ S(主詞)+ V(動詞原形)?

                       例   • He finished his work.                  Did he finish his work? 他工作完成了嗎?

                           • It rained last night.                 Did it rain last night? 昨晚有下雨嗎?
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