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Unit 9  Be 動詞之過去式        43

                   二   was / were 的否定

                        在 was / were 之後加上 not 成為否定。

                         例   • He was at home yesterday. 他昨天在家。
                                    He was not at home yesterday. 他昨天不在家。

                                   注 意 was not 可寫成 wasn't,were not 可寫成 weren't。

                        練  習      2 填入適當之 be 動詞否定形(wasn't 或 weren't)

                        1.  Sue           a beautiful girl. She was ugly.
                        2.  I           in Tainan yesterday.

                        3.  Tom            here yesterday.
                        4.  They            in America two days ago.

                        5.  We            at home last Sunday.
                        6.  The pen            on the desk.

                        7.  The window             open. It was shut.

                        8.  It          cold last night. It was hot.
                        9.  He            my brother. He was my neighbor.

                        10. My friend           a teacher. He was a taxi driver.


                          window [ `wIndo ] (n.) 窗                    shut [ SVt ] (adj.) 關上的
                          open [ `opEn ] (adj.) 打開的                   neighbor [ `neb2 ] (n.) 鄰居

                   三  疑問句的造法

                        把 was / were 移到句首並在句尾加上問號「?」即成為疑問句。

                         例   • He was rich before. 他以前很有錢。
                                    Was he rich before? 他以前有錢嗎?

                             • They were at home last night. 他們昨晚在家。

                                    Were they at home last night? 他們昨晚在家嗎?
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