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40    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                  二  選 擇 題

                     (    )  1. Hebe     French very well.
                              (A) speak            (B) speaks           (C) speaking         (D) don't speak

                     (    )  2. Selina     to school by school bus every day.
                              (A) goes             (B) go               (C) going            (D) went

                     (     )  3. He     a beautiful car.
                              (A) have             (B) don't have       (C) has              (D) having

                     (    )  4. The class     at 8:30 every morning.
                              (A) begins           (B) do begin         (C) begin            (D) beginning

                     (    )  5. Father always     dishes after dinner.
                              (A) wash             (B) washes           (C) washing          (D) washed

                     (    )  6. We     know who you are.
                              (A) doesn't          (B) does             (C) don't            (D) does not

                     (    )  7. Jolin     Korean every night.

                              (A) study            (B) studies          (C) studying         (D) don't study

                     (    )  8. We     up early in the morning.
                              (A) get              (B) gets              (C) doesn't get     (D) don't gets

                     (    ) 9.     she have a camera?
                              (A) does             (B) Does             (C) Do               (D) do

                     (    ) 10. I often     baseball after school.
                              (A) play             (B) plays            (C) playing          (D) does play

                     (    ) 11. Does he     cartoons every day?
                              (A) watch            (B) watches          (C) watchs           (D) watching

                     (    ) 12. Sue     tea every afternoon.
                              (A) drink            (B) drank            (C) drinks           (D) drinking

                     (    ) 13. I     to school every day.
                              (A) walks            (B) walking          (C) walk             (D) does walk

                     (    ) 14. Johnny     French food.

                              (A) enjoy            (B) enjoys           (C) enjoies          (D) enjoyes

                     (    ) 15. My sister never     dishes after dinner.
                              (A) wash             (B) washes           (C) washs            (D) washing

                     (    ) 16. Peter always     home on the weekend.
                              (A) stays            (B) stay             (C) staies           (D) stayes
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