Page 42 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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36    輕鬆學基礎英文法


                  一  選 擇 題

                     (    )  1. I     a car.
                              (A) has              (B) have             (C) doesn't has      (D) haved

                     (    )  2. They     near the train station.
                              (A) lives            (B) live             (C) doesn't lives     (D) living

                     (    )  3. She     like coffee.(她不喜歡咖啡)
                              (A) does             (B) don't            (C) doesn't          (D) Doesn't

                     (    ) 4.     you speak French?

                              (A) Do               (B) Does             (C) do               (D) does

                     (    )  5. Mr. Lin     us history.
                              (A) teach            (B) teaches          (C) teachs           (D) Teach

                     (     )  6. I     know.(我不知道)
                              (A) don't            (B) does             (C) doesn't          (D) Do

                     (    ) 7.     she like you?
                              (A) Do               (B) Does             (C) does             (D) doesn't

                     (    )  8. My mother     our clothes every day.
                              (A) wash             (B) washes           (C) To wash          (D) don't wash

                     (    ) 9.     you have a girlfriend?
                              (A) Do               (B) do               (C) Does             (D) does

                     (    ) 10. Mike     a big house in the country.
                              (A) have             (B) has              (C) don't has        (D) doesn't has

                     (    ) 11. Do you     English every day?
                              (A) studies          (B) study            (C) studys           (D) studying

                     (    ) 12. Does Sue     coke?
                              (A) likes            (B) like             (C) liking           (D) liked

                     (    ) 13.     Monica and Jack have a house?
                              (A) Does             (B) Do               (C) does             (D) doesn't

                     (    ) 14. My brother     a new bag.
                              (A) have             (B) has              (C) buy              (D) buies

                     (    ) 15. Do you     volleyball after school?
                              (A) plays            (B) play             (C) playing          (D) playes
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