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38    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     Unit   8        簡單現在式Ⅱ                                                          Unit 2

                                                                                           本單元練習題解答:P. 解5
                   一  現在簡單式的簡答

                                      Yes, I / we do.(肯定)
                     1  Do you...?
                                      No, I / we don't.(否定)

                                                  Yes, I do.(肯定)                        是的,我愛。
                         例   • Do you love me?                         你愛我嗎?
                                                  No, I don't.(否定)                      不,我不愛。

                                                       Yes, I do.(肯定)                            是的,我會。
                             • Do you play the bass?                        你會彈貝斯嗎?
                                                       No, I don't.(否定)                          不,我不會。

                                           Yes, he / she does.(肯定)
                     2   Does he / she...?
                                           No, he / she doesn't.(否定)

                                                    Yes, she does.(肯定)                        是的,她愛。
                         例   • Does she love you?                             她愛你嗎?
                                                    No, she doesn't.(否定)                      不,她不愛。

                                                       Yes, he does.(肯定)                            是的,他會。
                             • Does he play the bass?                           他會彈貝斯嗎?
                                                       No, he doesn't.(否定)                          不,他不會。

                                   注 意 :回答 Yes,後面一定肯定。

                                          回答 No,後面一定否定。
                                          不能 Yes, I don't. 或 No, I do.

                        練  習      1 填入適當之動詞現在式

                        1.  Steven          football very well. (play) Steven 足球踢得很好。
                        2.  I         up at 5:50 in the morning. (wake) 我早上 5:50 醒來。

                        3.  We           cheese hamburgers. (like) 我們喜歡起司漢堡。
                        4.  I         my teeth three times a day. (brush) 我每天刷牙三次。

                        5.  They           to school by subway every day. (go) 他們每天搭地鐵上學。
                        6.  My father          up at 5:00. (get) 我爸爸 5:00 起床。

                        7.  May           Spanish very well. (speak) May 西班牙文說得很好。

                        8.  Jack          milk every morning. (drink) Jack 每天早上喝牛奶。
                        9.  I         to the movies on Sundays. (go) 我每星期天看電影。
                        10. The moon always            around the earth. (go) 月亮總是繞著地球運行。
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