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42    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     Unit   9        Be 動詞之過去式                                                       Unit 3

                                                                                           本單元練習題解答:P. 解 6
                   一  was & were

                        當時間為現在之前,be 動詞須改為過去式。

                                           現在式                                        過去式
                                              is                                       was
                                             am                                        was
                                             are                                       were

                         例  • Today is Monday.                          • Yesterday was Sunday.

                               今天是星期一。                                    昨天是星期天。
                             • He is tall now.                          • He was short before.
                               他現在很高。                                     他以前很矮。

                             •  She is beautiful now.                   • She was more beautiful before.
                               她現在很正。                                     她以前更正。

                             • I am at home.                            • I was not at home yesterday.
                               我在家。                                       我昨天不在家。

                             • There are many people here.              • There were many people here before.
                               這裡有很多人。                                    這裡以前有很多人。

                        練  習      1 填入 was 或 were

                        1.  It        very cold last night.              7.  She         ugly before.

                        2.  I        sick yesterday.                     8.  She         here yesterday.

                        3.  Yesterday         Saturday.                  9.  Two years ago, I        in Taipei.
                        4.  They         good friends before.            10. Frank         in Africa three days ago.

                        5.  Lesson Two          very easy.               11. Yesterday        our back to school day.
                        6.  We          late to school this morning.     12. Where          you last night?


                          last night [ lAst ] [ n1t ] (adv./n.) 昨晚    here [ hIr ] (n./adv.) 這裡

                          sick [ sIk ] (adj.) 生病                      two years ago (adv.) 二年前
                          late [ let ] (adj./adv.) 遲、晚                Africa [ `AfrIkE ] (n.) 非洲
                          ugly [ `VglI ] (adj.) 醜                     three days ago (adv.) 三天前
                          before [ bI`for ] (adv./prep.) 以前           back to school day (n.) 返校日
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