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Unit 8  簡單現在式Ⅱ        39


                          football [ `fUt,bCl ] (n.) 足球            get up [ `gWt ,Vp ] (vi.) 起床
                          wake up [ wek ] [ Vp ] (vi.) 醒來          Spanish [ `spAnIS ] (n.) 西班牙文
                          morning [ `mCrnI9 ] (n.) 早上              movie [ `muvI ] (n.) 電影
                          hamburger [ `hAmb3g2 ] (n.) 漢堡             on Sundays = every Sunday (adv.) 每星期天
                          teeth [ ti8 ] (n.) 牙齒                    around [ E`r0nd ] (prep.) 繞著
                          subway [ `sVb,we ] (n.) 地下鐵              earth [ 38 ] (n.) 地球

                                                                                            註:(prep.) 介係詞。


                  一  填入 Do 或 Does,並簡答

                        1.  A:          she speak English? B: Yes, she        .

                        2.  A:          you have a car? B: No, I        .

                        3.  A:          Mary and Jane go to school by car? B: Yes, they        .

                        4.  A:          he like Italian food? B: No, he       .
                        5.  A:          you smoke? B: No, I          .

                        6.  A:          you have a reservation? B: Yes, I       .

                        7.  A:          the bag cost a lot? B: Yes, it     .

                        8.  A:          your brother have a new bike? B: Yes, he        .

                        9.  A:          you like black tea? B: Yes, I       .

                        10. A:          Jack and John play basketball very well? B: No, they        .


                          Italian [ I`tAlIEn ] (adj.) 義大利的        reservation [ rWz2`veSEn ] (n.) 保留,預約,訂位
                          food [ fud ] (n.) 食物                  cost a lot (v+adv.) 值很多錢
                          smoke [ smok ] (vi.) 抽菸               black tea [ `blAk ,ti ] (n.) 紅茶
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