Page 56 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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50    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     (    ) 10. She     wash her father's clothes. Her father was very angry.

                              (A) didn't           (B) does             (C) do               (D) doesn't

                     (    ) 11. It     a lot last winter.
                              (A) snows            (B) snowed           (C) snowing          (D) doesn't snow

                     (    ) 12. His mother     for a big company when she was in Taipei.
                              (A) works            (B) worked           (C) working          (D) do

                     (    ) 13. We     together last night.
                              (A) listens to the radio                  (B) listened to the radio

                              (C) listening to the radio                (D) listen to the radio

                     (    ) 14.     she see a doctor when she had a headache?
                              (A) Does             (B) Did              (C) Don't            (D) Is

                     (    ) 15. My sister     me a very strange question last week.
                              (A) ask              (B) asked            (C) asks             (D) asking.


                          program [ `progrAm ] (n.) 節目                big [ bIg ] (adj.) 大的
                          angry [ `A9grI ] (adj.) 生氣的                 company [ `kVm,pEnI ] (n.) 公司
                          winter [ `wInt2 ] (n.) 冬天                   strange [ strenG ] (adj.) 奇怪的

                  二  翻 譯

                        1.  I stayed at home all day long last Sunday.

                        2.  They moved to Taiwan last year.

                        3.  He didn't come last night.

                        4.  我們昨晚看電視。

                        5.  Leo 昨天下午玩線上遊戲。
                        6.  你有看見阿珍的新髮型嗎?(Jane)

                        7.  我在台南吃了一些台灣小吃。(try some Taiwanese snacks)

                        8.  我昨晚沒看 NBA。(watch the NBA)


                          all day long = all day (adv.) 一整天           haircut [ `hWr,kVt ] (n.) 髮型
                          move [ muv ] (vt./vi.) 搬家、移動                snack [ snAk ] (n.) 小吃
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