Page 60 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 60

54    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     (    ) 11. He     beef for dinner yesterday.

                              (A) eat              (B) eats             (C) ate              (D) eating

                     (    ) 12. Johnny     this book on the desk two minutes ago.
                              (A) puts             (B) put              (C) putted           (D) putting

                     (    ) 13. I     in his room last night.
                              (A) sleep            (B) sleeps           (C) slept            (D) sleeped

                     (    ) 14. I     to school yesterday.
                              (A) run              (B) ran              (C) runed            (D) running

                     (    ) 15. Adele     a song for me last week.
                              (A) singed           (B) sang             (C) sung             (D) song


                          semester [ sE`mWst2 ] (n.) 學期               beef [ bif ] (n.) 牛肉
                          newspaper [ `njuz,pep2 ] (n.) 報紙

                  二  翻 譯

                        1.  她昨天去墾丁。(Kenting)

                        2.  她以前有二棟房子。

                        3.  她去年買了一部賓士車。(Benz)

                        4.  我作業簿放在家裡。(left) (workbook)

                        5.  Karen did not study hard.

                        6.  My mother wrote me a letter last week.

                        7.  We had a good time last night.

                        8.  The accident happened three days ago.

                        9.  We met when we were very young.

                        10. He told me that he was sick.

                        11. She said that she missed the school bus.

                        12. I had a sandwich for breakfast.
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