Page 62 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 62

56    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     3   字尾為子音加 e 的動詞,要去 e 加 ing,以成為現在分詞。
                         例   • close      closing 關
                             • ride      riding 騎

                             • smoke      smoking 抽菸、冒煙

                             • write      writing 寫

                     4   ic 結尾的動詞要先加 k 再加 ing。
                         例   • panic      panicking 恐慌

                             • picnic      picnicking 野餐

                     5   ie 結尾的動詞要去 ie 加 ying。
                         例   • tie      tying 綁、打結

                             • die      dying 死亡
                             • lie      lying 說謊

                        練  習      1 將下列句子改為現在進行式:主詞 + be 動詞 + Ving(現在分詞)

                        1.  Jerry plays baseball.

                        2.  I watch TV.

                        3.  Monica eats soup.

                        4.  My sister plays the guitar.

                        5.  We study math.

                        6.  They open the door.

                        7.  Jolin reads a book.

                        8.  Father cooks dinner.

                        9.  My brother washes his car.

                        10. Mary swims.

                        11. Jack ties his necktie.

                        12. Mary dances.
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