Page 27 - PD02507_英文模擬與歷屆試題題卜書_課本PDF
P. 27

                                                                                                      第 2 回| Book I ~
                                                                                                               Book III

                          38. Where do you think is the most likely place for people to find this passage?
                             (A) In a beauty magazine.               (B) On a school bulletin board.

                             (C) In a biographical book.             (D) In a romantic novel.

                          39. What is the passage mainly about?

                             (A) How to share a husband’s interest.
                             (B) The traditional view of being a woman.
                             (C) How to fight for our own rights.

                             (D) Mileva is Albert Einstein’s first wife.

                          40. The bold-faced word “pursuit” in the second paragraph refers to “     .”
                             (A) exploration    (B) profession       (C) importance         (D) shape

                          41. Which one of the following is true according to the passage?
                             (A) For centuries, women and men have been paid for work equally.

                             (B) Mileva and Einstein got divorced in 1896.
                             (C) Mileva had no interest in science but in housework.
                             (D) Mileva is older than Einstein.

                     二、 非選擇題 ( 第Ⅰ到第Ⅲ題,每題 6 分,共 18 分 )

                     I. 填充

                      ▲ 請依據中文提示,將試題內空格、答案之完整單字(含提示之字首),分別作答於

                      ▲ 請勿抄題,每格限填一字,超過一字者視為錯誤,不予計分。

                          1. 那只手錶有兩年保證。假如它在兩年內故障,人們可以請求技師修理而不用支付任
                             The watch has a two-year  g  . If it b  b   down within two years, people can ask the

                             mechanic to fix it without any payment.

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