Page 292 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
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                    20 delicate [ˋdɛləkət]     纖細的;易碎的;微妙的;精巧的;棘手的
                                                                                            U26-1-20       109

                       說明   delicately (adv.)「優美地;精巧地」;比較 dedicate  (v.)「奉獻;供奉;致力」
                       There are delicate goods in the box.  Don’t press it too hard.

           tips        在盒子裡有易碎物品。請勿重壓。

                    21 decent [ˋdisṇt]      舒適的                                                     U26-1-21

                       Being a farmer does not usually make a decent living.

                    22 descendant [dɪˋsɛndənt]        子孫;後裔                                         U26-1-22
                       說明   相似字   offspring (n.)「子孫;後代;兒女」; 相反詞   ancestor (n.)「祖先」
                       She claimed that she is the descendant of an imperial family.

                       ◎ descend [dɪˋsɛnd]        下降;傳承

                          說明   descent (n.)「下降;下坡;血統」
                          The piece of land was descended from my grandfather to my father.

                    23 innocent [ˋɪnəsṇt]      天真的;清白的;無辜的                                   U26-1-23      103
                       The girl was innocent, not guilty.  Don’t blame her.


                    24 shift [ʃɪft]    輪班;輪班工人;變換   改變;移動;變換                                 U26-1-24      102

                       The workers work the night shift this week.

                    25 spirit [ˋspɪrɪt]    靈魂;精神;情緒;精靈   U26-1-25                108    Tips 易混淆

                       說明  That’s the spirit.「這就對了。」                                    25 spirit   靈魂
                       The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.                     26 split     斷裂
                                                                                        27 spill   灑出

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