Page 293 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 293

26 split [splɪt]    斷裂;分裂;撕開;分攤   裂縫;分裂;分歧                                      U26-1-26
                       說明   相似片語  split ≒ divide ≒ separate;動詞三態 split - split - split

                       Our colleagues split into two opposing groups because of the dispute.

                    27 spill [spɪl]    灑出;溢出                                                 U26-1-27      108

                       說明   動詞三態 spill - spilt - spilt
                       It is no use crying over spilt milk.

                    28 hollow [ˋhɑlo]      空的;空虛的;凹陷的   挖空   凹地;坑洞

                       說明   相似字  hollow ≒ empty ≒ vacant「空的;空白的」
                       Joe hollowed out a pumpkin to make a jack-o’-lantern.


                    29 skeleton [ˋskɛlətṇ]      骨架;骨骸                                        U26-1-29      101
                       From the skeleton of the dinosaur, we can realize how huge the creature was.

                       我們可以從恐龍的骨架知道這種生物是多麼巨大。                                                                 Unit
                    30 digital [ˋdɪdʒɪtḷ]    數位的                                             U26-1-30      103
                       Gary bought a digital camera at that store.


                     單字練習題          (共 5 題)

                    (     )  1.  More than two million birds ccc south to the lake each fall for food.   【101】

                             (A) migrate        (B) progress       (C) drop           (D) float

                    (     )  2.  Water is a precious resource; therefore, we must ccc it or we will not have enough
                             of it in the near future.                                             【98】

                             (A) conserve       (B) compete        (C) connect        (D) continue

                    (     )  3.  In the U.S., one should make a(n) ccc before going to see a doctor.

                             (A) appointment    (B) dressing       (C) exchange       (D) limitation

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