Page 295 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 295

4  hang up 懸掛;掛斷                                                                U26-2-4

                       Barbara was so angry that she hung up on her boyfriend.

                    5  hand in 繳交;提出(= turn in)                                               U26-2-5      106

                       說明   比較  hand out「分發」
                       Jordan didn’t hand in his assignment on time again.  His teacher was upset about it.


                    6  burn the midnight oil 熬夜唸書;日以繼夜地工作                                           U26-2-6

                       Many examinees burned the midnight oil before the exam.

                     片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (     )  1.  A : May I speak to Ms. Stone?  This is Cathy.c

                             B : Sure.  She is expecting your call.  ccc and wait a moment, please.

                             (A) Keep on        (B) Stay up        (C) Set up         (D) Hold on             Unit
                    (     )  2.  Mrs. Chen: Where will we stay at night?

                             Mr. Chen: Don’t worry.  I have ccc for a standard room at Golden Hotel.

                             (A) made a reservation                (B) made a fortune

                             (C) made up of                        (D) made ends meet

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