Page 294 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 294

書 文 英 考 大 卜 題
                    (    )  4.  According to research, good leaders are made, not born; one learns to be a leader by
                             ccc other leaders.

                             (A) ordering       (B) observing      (C) occurring      (D) operating

                    (    )  5.  Advance ccc of seats for the train is strongly recommended when travelers want

                             to have a seat on their way home.
                             (A) resident       (B) cancellation   (C) protection     (D) reservation

                      02   片語

                    1  make a reservation 預約                                               U26-2-1      105 / 99

                       說明   make a reservation 通常是指餐廳座位、飯店房間或是車票機票的預約。
                       Judy makes a reservation for a table for four at the restaurant tonight.

                       ◎ make an appointment 預約;約定;約會                                        108 / 107 / 105 / 100
                          說明   make an appointment 可用於預約看醫生或與人的約定。
                          George has made an appointment with our manager. They will meet at five

                          o’clock  this evening.

                    2  had better 最好                                                 U26-2-2      107 / 105 / 99 / 97

                       說明  ( 用法 ) had better + V.R.「最好」
                       I had better prepare for tomorrow’s test now.


                    3  hang on 別掛斷;堅持;抓牢(= hold on)                                           U26-2-3      99

                       說明   動詞三態 hang - hung - hung「掛」;hang - hanged - hanged「上吊」
                       I will transfer your call to extension 211.  Please hang on.
                       我會將你的電話轉接到分機 211。請別掛斷。
                       ◎ hold on 別掛斷;堅持;抓牢

                          The ant held on to a leaf for fear that it might fall into the water.

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