Page 136 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 136

130     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                         例   • I don't know what I should say. 我不知道該說什麼。
                                    I don't know what to say.

                             • He doesn't know where he could go. 他不知道他可以去哪裡。
                                    He doesn't know where to go.

                             • No one knows who we can trust. 沒人知道我們該信任誰。
                                    No one knows who to trust.

                             • Can you teach me how I should make cookies? 你可以教我該如何做餅乾嗎?
                                    Can you teach me how to make cookies?
                             • Please tell me when I can leave. 請告訴我何時可以走。
                                    Please tell me when to leave.

                        練  習     11 把下列句子中的名詞子句改成名詞片語

                        1.  I don't know what I should eat. 我不知道該吃什麼。
                                 I don't know                         .

                        2.  Can you show me where I can find the post office? 你可以告訴我郵局在哪裡嗎?
                                 Can you show me                            the post office?
                        3.  I will tell you when you can come. 我將告訴你何時能過來。

                                 I will tell you                       .
                        4.  Please tell me which way I should take. 請告訴我該走哪條路。
                                 Please tell me                                 .

                   四  疑問詞本身是主詞時,該句可直接做為名詞子句。

                         例   • Do you know what happened? 你知道發生什麼事嗎?
                                   S  V (受詞)
                             • Who killed the president is still a secret. 誰殺了總統仍是祕密。
                            S  V    (主詞)
                             • We want to know who turned on the TV. 我們想知道是誰打開電視的。

                                      S  V   (受詞)
                             • The police is investigating who tortured the dog. 警方正在調查是誰虐狗。
                                          S   V  (受詞)

                             • I don't know who can help. 我不知道誰能幫忙。
                                     S      V(受詞)

                             • What matters is that you are safe. 最重要的是你平安。
                             S  V(主詞)
                             • Do you know which team won? 你知道哪一隊贏了嗎?
                                       S   V(受詞)

                             • I want you to tell me who makes you cry. 我要你告訴我誰把你弄哭了。
                                        S    V(間接受詞)
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