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Unit25 名詞子句與名詞片語            129

                        練  習     10

                        1.  Can you tell me                                   ? 你可以跟我說你為何遲到嗎?
                        2.  I wonder                           always lying. 我不知道他幹嘛一直說謊。

                        3.  This is                                  . 這就是我討厭你的原因。
                        4.  I can't understand                          go to a doctor. 我無法了解你為什麼不去

                        5.  Do you know                                     ? 你知道我為什麼喜歡你嗎?
                        6.  You don't know                             you are a liar. 你不知道大家為什麼認為你


                   三   wh 疑問詞引導的名詞子句,可以用 "to" 改成名詞片語。

                                               wh 疑問詞引導的名詞子句如何變名詞片語

                                              what                                  shall
                           名詞子句              where               主詞                should
                                             which                                   can
                                              when                                  could            原形動詞
                           名詞片語               how                          to


                                      問句                    間接問句(名詞子句)                            名詞片語
                         what should I do?               what I should do               what to do

                         where could he go?              where he could go              where to go

                         How should I make cookies?      how I should make cookies      how to make cookies

                         Where can he go with his friends? where he can go with his friends where to go with his friends


                        • what to say 該說什麼                           • when to come 何時來
                        • what to do 該怎麼辦                            • when to leave 何時離開
                        • how to do it 該怎麼辦(how)                     • who to ask 該問誰
                        • how to spell the word 該如何拼字                • whether to get (or not)  是否能拿

                        • where to go 該去哪裡                           • whether to stay (or not)  是否該留下
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