Page 130 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 130

124     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                        練  習      3

                        1.  You are          I need. 你就是我需要的。
                        2.           I want is you. 我要的就是你

                        3.  Am I           you want? 我是你要的嗎?

                        4.  Do you know            you are talking about? 你知道你在說什麼嗎?

                        5.           he promised were all lies. 他承諾的都是謊言。

                        6.  You are          you eat. 吃什麼,就變成你的一部份。

                        7.  This is         we will eat for lunch. 這就是我們午餐要吃的東西。

                        8.  We judge you by           you do. 我們用你的作為來判斷你。
                        9.  Tell me                                   . 告訴我你的名字是什麼。

                        10.          I want to do is to protect you. 我要做的,是保護你。

                        2.  where 加句子(where + S + V or where 開頭的疑問句不倒裝)

                            例  • Do you know where she lives? 你知道她住哪裡嗎?
                                • Where the killer went is still unknown. 兇手去了哪裡還是未知。
                                • No one knows where the killer is. 沒人知道兇手在哪裡。

                                • They will ask where you are from and where you are going.


                                • Can you tell me where the toilet is? 你可以告訴我廁所在哪裡嗎?
                                • Nobody knows where the police have gone. 沒有人知道警察到哪去了。
                                •Everyone wants to know where the mayor has been.  大家都想知道市長到哪裡去了。

                                • This is where I lived when I was in Japan. 這是我在日本的時候住的地方。
                                • Can you show me where the post office is? 你可以告訴我郵局在哪裡嗎?

                                • I forget where I parked my car. 我忘記我車停哪了。
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