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Unit25 名詞子句與名詞片語            121

                     2   Yes/No 的問句。

                        方法:把疑問句變成直述句,前面加上 whether 或 if
                                  if/whether 加句子(if/whether + S + V) 是否……

                         例   • I want to know if you have a boyfriend. 我想知道你有沒有男朋友。
                                        (受詞)                                     Do you have a boyfriend?

                             • It is hard to tell if he is telling the truth. 很難判斷他是不是在說實話。
                                        (主詞補語)                                   Is he telling the truth?
                             • Whether there is life in outer space is still unknown. 外太空是否有生物還是未知。
                                    (主詞)                                           Is there life in outer space?
                             • I doubt if I can give you a hand. 我懷疑我是否能幫你。
                                      (受詞)                             Can I give you a hand?

                             • I don't know if she will come. 我不知道她會不會來。
                                      (受詞)                             Will she come?
                             • No one knows if he is lying. 沒人知道他是不是在說謊。
                                      (受詞)                               Is he lying?

                             • Whether you like this is not important to me. 你喜不喜歡這個對我並不重要。
                                   (主詞)                                      Do you like this?
                             • I don't care if you like me. 我不在乎你喜不喜歡我。
                                      (受詞)                          Do you like me?
                             • No one can know if it will rain tomorrow. 沒人能知道明天會不會下雨。
                                              (受詞)                                   Will it rain tomorrow?

                             •Can you let me know if the train is leaving on time? 你可以讓我知道火車會不會準時開嗎?

                                                         (受詞)                               Is the train leaving on time?

                             • Whether he will come (or not) is not important at all. 他來不來一點都不重要。
                                    (主詞)                                            Will he come?
                             • Whether (or not) he will come is very important. 他來不來很重要。
                                    (主詞)                                        Will he come?

                                 注 意   whether 開頭的名詞子句可以當主詞,if 開頭的名詞子句不能當主詞。

                        練  習      2

                        1.  I don't know                                   . 我不知道她喜不喜歡我。

                        2.  Can you ask her          she will        ? 你可以問她要不要來嗎?
                        3.  No one cares if                  happy. 沒人在乎你高不高興。

                        4.  It is easy to tell                               . 很好判斷他是不是在說謊。
                        5.  I asked her         she will marry me. 我問她要不要嫁給我。

                        6.            she will marry me is none of your business. 她要不要嫁給我,不關你的事。
                        7.  I don't care whether                 rich or not. 我不在乎你有沒有錢。
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