Page 122 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 122

116     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                         例  As I was bitten by my sister, I cried.

                                  As being bitten by my sister, I cried.
                             ※ being 可省略           As bitten by my sister, I cried.


                        練  習      1 將下列句子改成分詞構句

                        1.  Because he had no money, he couldn't buy that gift.

                        2.  When she opened the door, she hurt her left hand.

                        3.  As I had a headache, I didn't go to school yesterday.

                        4.  When he sat on the sofa, he heard his baby crying.

                        5.  When she knew she was cheated, she cried loudly.


                        6.  While she was taking a shower, she fell on the floor.

                        7.  When he left for Taipei, he lost his wallet.

                        8.  As he was late for school this morning, he was punished.

                        9.  When I was swimming in the river, I was bitten by a big fish.


                        10. Because he found his lost bike, he felt very happy.
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