Page 124 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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118     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                        練  習      2 將下列句子改成獨立分詞構句

                        1.  When Amanda entered my house, I saw her face full of tears.
                            (Amanda 進來我家的時候,我看見她滿臉淚水。)

                        2.  Because I didn't pass the exam, my father was very sad.

                        3.  While John was hit by the car, the driver didn't see him.
                            (John 被車撞的時候,駕駛沒看見他。)

                        4.  When I was swimming in the pool, something bit me.


                        5.  As Tom entered the room, Mary was sleeping.

                            (Tom 進房間的時候,Mary 正在睡覺。)

                        6.  If you don't give my money back, I will tell your mother about it.

                        7.  Because Lisa was punished by her father, her mother was very angry.
                            (因為 Lisa 被她老爸處罰,她媽媽很生氣。)

                        8.  As Mary was lack of money, her sister lent her some.
                            (因為 Mary 缺錢,她姊姊借她一些。)

                        9.  When the thief started to run, the police shot him.

                        10. When I woke up this morning, the breakfast was ready.

                        11. While James tried to stop Curry, Curry shot for three.

                        12. If you give my money back, I will believe you one more time.
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