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Unit24  分詞構句&獨立分詞構句              117

                   三  獨立分詞構句


                         例   As John's father has no money, John can't go to school.
                                              has → having
                                  John's father having no money, John can't go to school.
                             因為 John 的父親沒錢,John 無法上學。

                         例   When Mary said she was leaving, Tom started to cry.
                                        said → saying
                                  Mary saying she was leaving, Tom started to cry.

                             Mary 說她要走的時候,Tom 開始哭了。

                         例   As Grace was late to school, her teacher punished her.
                                        was → being
                                  Grace being late to school, her teacher punisher her.
                             ※being 又可省略             Grace late to school, her teacher punished her.

                             因為 Grace 上學遲到,她的老師處罰她。

                         例   As it rained hard yesterday, we stayed at home.
                                    rained → raining
                                  It raining hard yesterday, we stayed at home.


                         例   Because Jackie didn't pass the exam, his mother was angry.
                                        didn't pass → not passing(助動詞拿掉,動詞 + ing)
                                  Jackie not passing the exam, his mother was angry.
                             因為 Jackie 考試沒過,他媽媽很生氣。
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