Page 126 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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120     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                             • That he didn't pass the exam makes his parents very angry.


                             • He said that he was sick. 他說他生病了。
                               = He said he was sick .

                             • That he was sick is not true. 他生病不是真的。

                             • I found that you should lie to me. 我發現你竟然騙我。
                               = I found you should lie to me.

                             • I know that you are right. 我知道你是對的。
                               = I know you are right.

                             • That the mayor is always lying is really ridiculous.

                             •  I have told you that I was sick and stayed at home.   我已經跟你說過我生病待在家了。
                               = I have told you I was sick and stayed at home.

                             • The truth is that I don't like you. 事實就是我不喜歡你。
                               = The truth is I don't like you.

                             • That she hates you is true. 她討厭你是真的。

                        練  習      1

                        1.  I heard                                   . 我聽說你生病了。

                        2.  I knew                                            . 我就知道你會遲到。

                        3.           he didn't pass the exam                 happy. 他考試沒過,讓我很高興。

                        4.  He said                                   . 他說他生病了。

                        5.           the Disney will come                          . 迪士尼會來,是個謊言。
                        6.  Do you know                                     ? 你知道我愛你嗎?

                        7.                                     is true. 我愛你是真的。

                        8.  I don't think                                 . 我不認為你是對的。

                        9.  Can you promise me            you will                          back? 你可以保證還

                        10. I mean          all of you here        all junk. 我是說,在座的各位,都是垃圾。
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