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Unit25 名詞子句與名詞片語            123

                                • Tell me how do you go to school.(×)

                                  Tell me how you go to school.(○) 跟我說你是如何上學的。
                                • Do you know when does he surf the net every day?(×)

                                  Do you know when he surfs the net every day?(○) 你知道他每天什麼時候上網嗎?
                                • They ask what did you eat.(×)
                                  They ask what you ate.(○) 他們問你吃了什麼。

                                • Can you tell me why didn't you come?(×)
                                  Can you tell me why you didn't come?(○) 可以告訴我你為什麼沒來嗎?

                                • Do you know why doesn't he eat?(×)
                                  Do you know why he doesn't eat?(○) 你知道他為什麼不吃東西嗎?

                     4   Wh 疑問詞 + 句子。

                        1.  what 加句子(what + S + V or what 開頭的疑問句不倒裝)

                            例  • What I want is not you. 我要的不是你。
                                • You are what I want. 你就是我要的。
                                • I don't know what you are talking about. 我不知道你在說什麼。
                                • What he promised were all lies. 他承諾的都是謊言。
                                • What we eat every day is very important for our health.

                                • Do you know what we will have for lunch? 你知道我們午餐要吃什麼嗎?
                                • No one knows what he saw. 沒有人知道他看到了什麼。

                                • What he said was not important. 他說的話不重要。
                                • Do you believe what he said? 你相信他所說的話嗎?
                                • What you need to do is concentrate on your job.

                                • Tell me what you heard. 告訴我你聽到了什麼。
                                • Tell me what you name is. 告訴我你叫什麼名字。
                                • Do you know what the problem is? 你知道是什麼問題嗎?
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