Page 132 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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126     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                                • You don't have to care who I am. 你不必在乎我是誰。

                                • Can you tell me who you are? 可以告訴我你是誰嗎?

                                • The police want to know who you met last night. 警方想知道你昨晚跟誰見面。

                                • Who I am means nothing. 我是誰一點都不重要。
                                • Does anybody know who the man on TV is? 有人知道電視上的人是誰嗎?

                                • I won't tell you who she is. 我不會告訴你她是誰。

                                • We are trying to find who the boss is. 我們正要找出老闆是誰。

                                • I want to know who I should keep in contact with. 我想知道我應該和誰聯絡。


                        練  習      6

                        1.  I don't know                          . 我不知道你是誰。

                        2.  I don't want to know                          , either. 我也不想知道你是誰。
                        3.                            is not important at all. 我是誰一點都不重要。

                        4.  The police asked me                                    . 警方問我駕駛是誰。
                        5.  May I ask                                   ? 我可以問你媽是誰嗎?

                        5.  when 加句子(when + S + V or when 開頭的疑問句不倒裝)

                            例  • Can you tell me when you will come? 你可以告訴我你什麼時候要來嗎?
                                • I don't know when she went home. 我不知道她什麼時候回家的。
                                • Tell me when you can hand in your homework. 告訴我你什麼時候可以交作業。
                                • No one knows when the train will leave. 沒人知道火車幾點開。
                                • Do you know when your mother will come home? 你知道你媽什麼時候回來嗎?
                                • We want to know when the flight will arrive. 我們想知道航班何時到達。
                                • When the train will arrive is not sure. 火車何時會到並不確定。
                                • I only asked when she will give my money back. 我只問她什麼時候會還我錢。
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