Page 182 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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176     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                       例   • To study English is easy. 學英文是容易的。
                                  可寫成:It is easy to study English.

                                         It 代表 to study English

                        練  習      3 將下列句子用虛主詞寫成符合文法的句子

                        1.  To live in Taiwan is good.

                        2.  To sleep well is important.

                        3.  To play baseball is fun.

                        4.  To eat too much is not good.

                        5.  To go to the movies makes me happy.

                        6.  To believe you is my fault.


                  一  選 擇 題

                     (    ) 1.     TV is interesting.
                              (A) Watch            (B) Watching         (C) Watches          (D) It

                     (    ) 2.     baseball is fun.

                              (A) To play          (B) Play             (C) It               (D) Plays

                     (    ) 3.     is easy to speak English.
                              (A) it               (B) It               (C) To               (D) to

                     (    )  4. It     important to sleep well.
                              (A) is               (B) am               (C) are              (D) to

                     (    )  5. It is interesting     go to school.
                              (A) is               (B) to               (C) on               (D) for

                     (    )  6. Going to school     interesting.
                              (A) to               (B) is               (C) am               (D) are

                     (    )  7. Playing on-line games     my hobby.
                              (A) am               (B) are              (C) to               (D) is
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