Page 185 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 185

Unit34  和 have 有關之文法        179

                        7.  You         to tell the truth. 你必須說實話。

                        8.  She         to leave right now. 她必須立刻離開。

                        9.  I        studied Japanese for ten years. 我已經學了十年日文。
                        10. We          tea every day. 我們每天喝茶。

                        11. Jack         his hair cut yesterday. Jack 昨天剪了頭髮。
                        12. I will        my hair cut tomorrow. 我明天會剪頭髮。

                        練  習      2 選擇

                     (    )  1. The Lins are     lunch.

                              (A) have             (B) having           (C) has              (D) had

                     (    )  2. The cat     blue eyes.
                              (A) has              (B) have             (C) has to           (D) having

                     (    )  3. We     lived here for a long time.
                              (A) have             (B) has              (C) having           (D) have to

                     (    )  4. Jack     a girlfriend.
                              (A) have             (B) has              (C) have to          (D) having

                     (    )  5. You     come on time.
                              (A) has              (B) has to           (C) have to          (D) had

                     (    )  6. We     work very hard.
                              (A) have             (B) have to          (C) had              (D) has

                     (    )  7. We     dinner at that time.(我們那時候吃過晚餐了。)
                              (A) have             (B) had had          (C) has              (D) have to

                     (    )  8. Tom's sister     to Korea many times.
                              (A) has              (B) had              (C) have to          (D) has been to

                     (    )  9. Grace     a lot of money.

                              (A) has              (B) have             (C) have to          (D) has to

                     (    ) 10. Jack and Tom     basketball for two years.
                              (A) has              (B) have played      (C) has played       (D) are having

                     (    ) 11. Monica     France three times.
                              (A) has              (B) have             (C) have gone        (D) has been to

                     (    ) 12. We     a house in Kaohsiung now.
                              (A) have             (B) has              (C) are having       (D) had

                     (    ) 13.     you have any friend in Taiwan?

                              (A) Do               (B) has              (C) Does             (D) Has
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