Page 201 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 201

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                   Unit 1 主詞與 Be 動詞 (P.2)
                   練習 1
                   1. am               2. are             3. are             4. is              5. is
                   6. are              7. is              8. is              9. is              10. is
                   11. are             12. are            13. is             14. are            15. are
                   16. is
                   練習 2
                   1. are not          2. am not          3. is not          4. are not         5. is not

                   6. are not          7. are not         8. is not          9. are not         10. is not
                   練習 3
                   1. Is smoking good?                             2. Are they still good friends?
                   3. Is the floor wet?                             4. Is his name Jimmy?
                   5. Is the tea cold?                             6. Are you Leo's younger brother?
                   7. Is Helen busy?                               8. Is the weather very hot today?
                   9. Is your sister a beautiful girl?             10. Is this what you want?

                   1.(A)     2.(B)     3.(C)    4.(B)     5.(C)    6.(B)     7.(B)    8.(A)     9.(B)    10.(A)
                   1. I am a student.                              2. My name is John Cena.
                   3. I am from Taiwan.                            4. Jolin and Jay are my classmates.
                   5. They are not Taiwanese.                      6. My father is a doctor.
                   7. My mother is a nurse.                        8. Leo and I are good friends.
                   9. They are happy every day.                    10. My classmates are very friendly.
                   11. Are you a happy?                            12. I am Taiwanese.

                   13. The soup is too salty.                      14. PM 2.5 是肺癌的成因。
                   15. 比爾是個大學生。                                    16. 史蒂夫是他最好的朋友。
                   17. 她是女生,不是男生。                                  18. 她的阿嬤人很好。
                   19. 台灣不是中國的一部分。                                 20. 他生病了。
                   21. 史蒂夫和戴夫在監獄裡。                                 22. 金先生太胖了。

                   Unit 2 Have & Has & 所有格 (P.8)
                   練習 1
                   1. have             2. have            3. has             4. has             5. has
                   6. has              7. have            8. has             9. have            10. has
                   11. have            12. have           13. has            14. has            15. have  16. has
                   練習 2
                   1. my               2. your            3. his             4. her             5. our
                   6. their            7. its             8. Mary's          9. students'       10. his mother's
                   練習 3
                   1. has Her          2. have My         3. has His         4. have Their      5. have Our

                   6. have My          7. has His         8. has His         9. has Her         10. has Her
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