Page 204 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 204

解4     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                   1.(D)     2.(B)     3.(C)    4.(B)     5.(D)    6.(D)     7.(B)    8.(B)     9.(C)    10.(B)

                   1. There are 30 students in our(my) class.      2. There are three people in my family.
                   3. There are 90 dollars in my wallet.           4. Yes, there is a convenience store near my house.
                   5. No, there are not many students in this school.  6. Yes, there is a sofa in my living room.
                   7. There are 15 eggs in that basket.            8. There are two girls in my family.
                   9. There are two boys in the Jordan family.     10. I have 30 minutes.
                   1. 冰箱裡有果汁嗎?                                     2. 你家附近有學校嗎?

                   3. 我們班有很多正妹。                                    4. 你有多少時間?
                   5. 一個人每天要喝多少水?                                  6. 這台車值多少錢?
                   7. 她養幾隻狗?                                       8. 飛機上有多少人?
                   9. 你錢包裡有多少錢?                                    10. 你去過台灣幾次?
                   11. 她收費多少?                                      12. 多少人會投給他?
                   13. How many people are there in your family?   14. How many people are there in the house?
                   15. There are 3 cell phones in my bag.          16. How much money do you want?
                   17. How many people are there in your party?    18. How much money do you have?
                   19. How many people are there in the car?       20. How much time do you have?

                   Unit 6 冠詞 a / an 和名詞單複數 (P.28)
                   練習 1
                   1. a      2. a      3. a     4. a      5. an    6. an     7. ×     8. an     9. a     10. a
                   11. a     12. a
                   練習 2
                    1. birds           2. foxes           3. feet            4. teeth           5. babies
                    6. Chinese          7. geese          8. buses           9. sheep           10. inches
                   11. women           12. men            13. cities         14. watches        15. wives

                   16. potatoes        17. deer           18. mice           19. wolves         20. fathers-in-law
                   1. They are good baseball players.              2. We are good players.
                   3. That car is very expensive.                  4. There are four girls in my family.
                   5. There is a big mouse in this house.          6. There are ten sheep in front of the tree.
                   7. These cars are very cheap.                   8. I am from Taiwan.
                   9. There are a lot of trees in the garden.      10. There is only one girl in Jerry's family.

                   1.(B)     2.(D)     3.(D)    4.(D)     5.(B)    6.(A)     7.(C)    8.(A)     9.(C)    10(A)

                   Unit 7 簡單現在式Ⅰ (P.32)
                   練習 1
                   1. likes            2. love            3. play            4. go              5. has
                   6. have             7. studies         8. teaches         9. gets            10. live
                   11. goes            12. washes         13. likes          14. fixes   15. watches   16. want
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