Page 206 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 206

解6     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                   Unit 9 Be 動詞之過去式 (P.42)
                   練習 1
                   1. was              2. was             3. was             4. were            5. was

                   6. were             7. was             8. was             9. was             10. was
                   11. was             12. were
                   練習 2
                   1. wasn't           2. wasn't          3. wasn't          4. weren't         5. weren't
                   6. wasn't           7. wasn't          8. wasn't          9. wasn't          10. wasn't
                   練習 3
                   1. Was it very hot last night?                  2. Was Jolin late to school yesterday?
                   3. Were they all in the kitchen then?           4. Was Jacky sick yesterday?
                   5. Was the weather in New York good?            6. Was Lesson Five hard?

                   7. Was Grace at home this morning?              8. Was Hank in class yesterday?
                   9. Was it sunny last Saturday?                  10. Were they busy last week?
                   1.(D)     2.(D)     3.(D)    4.(C)     5.(B)    6.(D)     7.(C)    8.(A)     9.(D)    10.(D)
                   11.(B)    12.(A)    13.(A)   14.(D)    15.(B)
                   1. I was a housewife before.                    2. Yesterday was my mother's birthday.

                   3. Monica was late to school this morning.      4. 你昨晚忙嗎?
                   5. 他們昨晚不在家。                                     6. 她以前是歌手。現在,她是演員。

                   Unit10 簡單過去式Ⅰ (P.46)
                   練習 1
                    1. watched         2. rained          3. cooked          4. cleaned         5. helped
                    6. stopped         7. worked          8. opened          9. killed          10. kissed
                   11. walked          12. waited         13. learned        14. asked          15. played
                   16. washed          17. listened       18. talked         19. answered       20. snowed

                   21. cried           22. tried          23. flied           24. replied
                   練習 2
                   1. Leo opened the box                           2. I watched TV
                   3. Father washed his cars                       4. We played basketball
                   5. It rained a lot                              6. My sister cooked dinner
                   7. Jack walked to school                        8. Mary listened to the radio
                   9. Paul and Monica talked to each other         10. Karen cleaned her house

                   練習 3
                   1. Mother didn't cook dinner yesterday.         2. I didn't open the window.
                   3. It didn't rain a lot last night.             4. We didn't play baseball.
                   5. Jolin didn't clean her house this morning.
                   練習 4
                   1. Did Monica finish her job?                    2. Did Paul marry Monica?
                   3. Did it rain a lot last week?                 4. Did they fly to USA?
                   5. Did they watch the show last night?
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