Page 207 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 207

解 答       解7

                   1.(B)     2.(B)     3.(B)    4.(C)     5.(C)    6.(B)     7.(C)    8.(B)     9.(C)    10.(A)
                   11.(B)    12.(B)    13.(B)   14.(B)    15.(B)

                   1. 我上星期天整天都待在家。                                 2. 他們去年搬到台灣。
                   3. 他昨晚沒來。                                       4. We watched TV last night.
                   5. Leo played online games yesterday afternoon.  6. Did you see Jane's new haircut?
                   7. I tried some Taiwanese snacks in Tainan.     8. I didn't watch the NBA last night.

                   Unit11 簡單過去式Ⅱ (P.51)
                   練習 1
                   1. put              2. felt            3. drank           4. ate             5. bought

                   6. hurt             7. came            8. began           9. read            10. taught
                   11. told            12. went           13. ran            14. wrote          15. rode
                   16. slept           17. cost           18. sang           19. stood          20. studied
                   21. shot
                   練習 2
                   1. We went camping                              2. She told me the truth.
                   3. Monica slept in her room                     4. I felt very sad.

                   5. Father bought me a car                       6. I had a Ferrari
                   7. He had a lot of money.                       8. Monica ate two hamburgers.
                   9. Curry shot for three.                        10. This T-shirt cost 500 dollars.
                   練習 3
                   1. I didn't have a lot of girlfriends.          2. Jack didn't come here yesterday.
                   3. Father didn't buy me a car.                  4. My parents didn't go to Korea.
                   5. Jolin didn't pay for her lunch.              6. I didn't do it.
                   練習 4
                   1. Did Tom have a house?                        2. Did this class begin at 9:00?

                   3. Did Leo go to school yesterday?              4. Did she drink a lot of wine?
                   5. Did her sister buy him a smartphone?         6. Did Lucy graduate from college?
                   1.(C)     2.(C)     3.(C)    4.(B)     5.(B)    6.(C)     7.(C)    8.(B)     9.(B)    10.(D)
                   11.(C)    12.(B)    13.(C)   14.(B)    15.(B)
                   1. She went to Kenting yesterday.               2. She had two houses before.

                   3. She bought a Benz last year.                 4. I left my workbook at home.
                   5.  Karen 沒有用功讀書。                               6. 我母親上週寫了一封信給我。
                   7. 我們昨晚玩得很愉快。                                   8. 意外三天前發生的。
                   9. 我們很年輕的時候認識的。                                 10. 他跟我說他生病了。
                   11. 她說她沒搭到校車。                                   12. 我早餐吃三明治。
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