Page 208 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 208

解8     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                   Unit12 現在進行式 / 情狀動詞 (P.55)
                   練習 1
                   1. Jerry is playing baseball.                   2. I am watching TV.

                   3. Monica is eating soup.                       4. My sister is playing the guitar.
                   5. We are studying math.                        6. They are opening the door.
                   7. Jolin is reading a book.                     8. Father is cooking dinner.
                   9. My brother is washing his car.               10. Mary is swimming.
                   11. Jack is tying his necktie.                  12. Mary is dancing.
                   練習 2
                   1. Is she watching TV?                          2. Are you sleeping?
                   3. Is Jolin talking to her father?              4. Are Monica and Paul dancing?
                   5. Are we going home?                           6. Is the dog barking?

                   7. Is it snowing outside?                       8. Is Jack's father crying?
                   9. Is Karen taking a shower?                    10. Is Monica surfing the net?
                   練習 3
                   1. she is.          2. it is not.      3. I am / we are.  4. he is not.      5. they are.
                   練習 4
                   1. I am not going home.                         2. Sue is not sleeping.
                   3. We are not listening to the radio.   4. It is not snowing.   5. The dog is not barking at Monica.

                   1.(A)     2.(B)     3.(B)    4.(C)     5.(B)    6.(A)     7.(A)    8.(A)     9.(C)    10.(C)
                   11.(B)    12.(A)    13.(B)   14.(B)    15.(B)
                   1. 他們正在院子裡玩。   2. 你在聽廣播嗎?                       3. 你在看什麼?    4. 你在說什麼?
                   5. She is sleeping in the room.                 6. I am surfing the net.
                   7. We are eating dinner.                        8. I am looking for you.
                   9. She is going to school.                      10. We are going home.
                   11. They are waiting for the bus.               12. He is studying Korean.

                   13. He is lying.                                14. He is running away.

                   Unit13 未來式 (P.62)
                   練習 1
                   1. He will wash his car.                        2. I will go to Japan.
                   3. Trump will come here tomorrow.               4. We will go camping next Saturday.
                   5. I will call you.                             6. She will play basketball tomorrow.

                   7. We will be very happy to see you.            8 There will be a typhoon next Monday.
                   9. It will rain a lot next Monday.              10. He will go to see the dentist.
                   練習 2
                   1. She is going to wash her clothes.            2. Monica is going to play the guitar.
                   3. Paul is going to give me a gift.             4. We are going to play soccer after school.
                   5. He is going to be a MLB player.              6. Mira is going to help me cook lunch.
                   7. Jack is going to buy a car.                  8. I am going to learn cooking tonight.
                   9. It is going to rain tomorrow.                10. We are going to study math.
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