Page 209 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 209

解 答       解9

                   練習 3
                   1. Will she wash clothes?                       2. Will we go home tonight?
                   3. Will Jacky play baseball?                    4. Will it snow tomorrow?

                   5. Is he going to do it?
                   練習 4
                   1. It is not (isn't) going to rain this Sunday.  2. I will not (won't) come.
                   3. I am not going to see the dentist.           4. We will not play baseball.
                   5. I will not tell you about it.                6. She will not pay tomorrow.
                   1.(C)     2.(D)     3.(B)    4.(C)     5.(A)    6.(C)     7.(A)    8.(B)     9.(A)    10.(B)
                   11.(C)    12.(C)    13.(C)   14.(C)    15.(D)

                   1. 你今晚要出去嗎?                                     2. 今晚會下雨。
                   3. She will go to Kaohsiung tomorrow. 或 She is going to Kaohsiung tomorrow.
                   4. They will leave here tomorrow morning.       5.  Will she come next month?
                   6. I will not leave you.                        7. Will you marry me?
                   8. What are you going to do after you graduate from high school?
                       ( 或 ) What will you do after you graduate from high school?

                   Unit14 助動詞 (P.67)
                   練習 1
                   1. Will             2 will             3. will
                   練習 2
                   1. would            2. Would
                   練習 3
                   1. shall            2. shan't          3. Shall
                   練習 4
                   1. should           2. Should          3. should

                   練習 5
                   1. Can              2. can't           3. can
                   練習 6
                   1. couldn't         2. Could           3. could
                   練習 7
                   1. May              2. may             3. may             4. may not

                   練習 8
                   1. might            2. Might           3. might           4. might
                   練習 9
                   1. must             2. Must            3. must            4. must            5. must
                   練習 10
                   1. ought to         2. ought not to    3. Ought to        4. ought to
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