Page 203 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 203

解 答       解3


                   1. 我的女朋友很漂亮,但他的很聰明。                             2. 你的單車是紅的,但我的是黃色的。
                   3. 我們的房子很大,但他們的很小。                              4. 我的車不在這裡。你的在哪裡?

                   5. 她的隨身碟在這兒,但我們的不見了。                            6. Here is my passport. Where is yours?
                   7. This is not your fault. It's mine.           8. That is not your money. It's my father's.
                   9. Your country is China. Mine is Taiwan.       10. Their masks are made in China. Ours are made in Taiwan.

                   Unit 4 There is & There are(在……地方 有……東西) (P.18)
                   練習 1
                   1. There is         2. There are       3. There is        4. There are       5. There are
                   6. There is         7. There is        8. There are       9. There are       10. There is

                   練習 2
                   1. There is not (isn't) a pen on the desk.      2. There are not books in the bag.
                   3. There are not a lot of dogs in our school.   4. There is not a park near my house.
                   5. There is not a table in our dining room.     6. There is not a post office on that street.
                   6. There is not a supermarket on this street.   8. There are not beautiful flowers in the garden.
                   9. There is not a tree in the park.             10. There is not a picture on the wall.
                   練習 3
                   1. Is there there is.                           2. Is there there isn't.

                   3. Is there there isn't.                        4. Are there there are.  5. Are there there are.
                   1. There is a bed in my room.                   2. There is a pen on my desk.
                   3. There are 10 books in my bookbag.            4. There are four weeks in a month.
                   5. There are seven days in a week.              6. There are a hundred years in a century.
                   7. There are twelve months in a year.           8. There are a lot of cars on this road.
                   9. There is no water in the cup.                10. There are many beautiful trees in our school.
                   1. There is some chocolate milk in the refrigerator.  2. There are five people in my family.

                   3. There are 40 students in my class.           4. There are seven days in a week.
                   5. There are many flowers in the garden.         6. 杯子裡有(任何)咖啡嗎?
                   7. 這瓶子裡沒有果汁。                                    8. 一年有四季。
                   9. 籠子裡有隻老鼠。                                     10. 我們的客廳(裡)沒有沙發。

                   Unit 5 How many & How much 問多少 (P.23)
                   練習 1
                   1. many is          2. many are        3. much is         4. many are        5. many are
                   6. many are         7. much            8. many are        9. many            10. many
                   練習 2
                   1. How many books are there on the desk?        2. How much money do you have?
                   3. Is there a book in the bag?                  4. How many people are there in your family?
                   5. How many persons are there in your car?      6. How many boys are there in your family?
                   7. Are you a doctor?                            8. Is it a dog?
                   9. How much money should I pay?                 10. Is his car black?
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